Thursday, March 19, 2009

Survey: “What kind of Studio Space does an Artist need?”

Hi all! Please help Calvin Pang with this survey. Your help is much appreciated.

Please respond to the survey via email at


“What kind of Studio Space does an Artist need?”

Good day to all,

I am a NAFA student with a research assignment at hand currently and the area of interest is in utmost relation to the practitioners of all the various disciplines that could be found here.

In view of all your achievements and experience in the contemporary arts arena, I thought that your feedback in this humble survey would be instrumental in assisting me to complete my research with the utmost encouragement. It is a SHORT survey in relation to an ideal studio space for an artist. Please consider. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless! I could be contacted via email at

Calvin Pang

What do you look for in a studio space? (Please delete those irrelevant)
Storage for artworks and materials
Natural Lighting
Open Space
Location of studio space
Availability of art supplies near studio premises
Availability of food near studio premises
Availability of coffee near studio premises
Which level the studio is located
Vehicular access
Good ventilation
Individual partitioned spaces
A bookshelf for your library of research books/notes
Comfortable nook for resting and coffee-breaks
Type of people sharing your studio space
Having the studio space within your residential compound

What additional things or features would you be looking for or would like to have in your studio space apart from those listed and/or mentioned above?


Jacklyn's reply to Calvin's Questions

ð       Storage for artworks and materials - Storage for artworks and materials is and has always been a challenge for all artists working in any form of material. Ideally, a 1000sq ft x 1000sq ft space is sufficient for an artist to be able to store their materials and work in the given space.

ð       Natural Lighting - Lighting is subjective to the kind of work you produce. Natural lighting is best for alot of painting, photography, architectural works etc but if a performance artist uses natural lighting for his/her performance, then I would think a choice of a studio space that offers as much natural lighting is top choice.

ð       Location of studio space - Some artists prefer having a studio located in the busy city, some prefer a tranquil environment. It depends on what and how your environment inspires you and your own personality to adapt this these environment.

ð       Availability of art supplies near studio premises - If buying from Art Friend for every project you do is your choice to make an artwork, then I think you will remain as an undeveloped artist for some time. Materials can be anything to an artist, not necessary conventional materials alocated for art-making usage. Some artists work with sticky tape and sticky tape is easily bought at almost any bookshop, some artists work with lighting and may need to contact overseas or local suppliers for their needs. It is not necessary for art supplies to be near your studio.

ð       Which level the studio is located - Level of studio located is an interesting feature to consider. Again, if you are a sculptor, ceramicist, installation artist or painter, it is of cos best that you find a studio on the ground level for easy mobility and transportation. These artists tend to work in large size works that demand a large amount of space. If you are a performance artist, digital media artist,  you will not be affected by level of studio.

ð       Vehicular access - Alot of artists' studio these days are located far into the industrial part of Singapore. Singapore is a small enough island for accessible transportation.

ð       Good ventilation - Upmost importance if you work in conventional art materials.

ð       Individual partitioned spaces - Not neccessary at all. Boxing up a professional artists studio will only create more distance and friction from your studio mates. The reason why you would share a space with your studio mates is to create opportunities for collaboration and critical elevuation of everyone's artwork.

ð       A bookshelf for your library of research books/notes - This is optional. Some people like to keep their books on shelves, some in boxes, some on the table, some laying it around. Whatever your choice is to make space for your research notes, do-it-yourself.

ð       Comfortable nook for resting and coffee-breaks - Shouldn't your studio space already be a nook for resting and coffee breaks?

ð       Type of people sharing your studio space - Artists working in different mediums can share in the same studio space, not necessary to have an elitist all-painter studio etc. This creates more interesting inspirations. The type of people sharing your studio space should be able to compromise on all rules and regulations that is necessary for the functioning of the studio.

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