Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Exhibition at Youkobo Art Space - Angela's Art Residency Programme

New Exhibition at Youkobo Art Space

Youkobo Art Space Exhibition Information

Angela Chong Solo exhibition
Treasure of my memory: Missing You

Youkobo Art Space Gallery,
Wednesday 17 ? Sunday 21 Dec. 2008, 12:00-19:00
Closing Party: Sunday 21 Dec. 2008, 18:00-21:00

A smell. A touch. A voice.
A favorite activity. A personal object.
Recollecting their actions through inanimate objects is one of the ways we can remind ourselves of people we were close to after separation by death. An object can remind us of their personality in ways that sometimes a photograph misses. It tells stories of how they might have lived, yet adds to the anonymity of that special individual. Using something tangible to remember their presence and illuminating their personal objects in a familiar setting represents how much we treasure the memory of them in our lives even now.

The installation encourages the audience to relate to personal memories while also acting as a tribute to that special someone of the participants.
By Angela Chong
4 Dec 08

Many thanks to the participants for taking time to provide information about their lost loved ones which has made this exhibition possible.
Supported by the National Arts Council of Singapore

Having a keen interest in creating a narrative in her installation works, installation artist Angela Chong’s work deals with light and darkness, constantly blurring the line between fiction and ‘reality’. Her current work depicts memories, and the attachment between an object and its owner using light projections.
Angela now is artist in residence at Youkobo Art Space, Tokyo from Dec. 2008 to Jan. 2009.

Youkobo Art Space
Suginami Ward, Zenpukuji 3-2-10, 167-0041 
tel/ 03-5930-5009 fax/ 03-3399-7549

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